

Miki Sato





高等学校は英語科に進学し、再びオーストラリアへ。 Ariana GrandeやAvril Lavigne、Taylor Swiftなど海外音楽にも傾倒するように。在学時に友人と行っていた音楽活動では、ガールズグループを結成しVocal & Bassを担当。地元で開催された音楽大会では金賞を獲得するなど、繊細さと強さを併せ持ったその魅惑的なSilky Voiceの存在感が業界関係者の目に留まるようになる。


2020年、SONY MUSIC内の音楽レーベル″SACRA MUSIC″より遂に始動。メジャーデビューに先駆け、7月には初のオリジナル曲「Play the real」を自身のYouTubeチャンネルに公開、8月にはプレデビュー曲「A KA SA TA NA」を配信限定でリリース。そして10月から放送されているTVアニメ『魔法科高校の劣等生 来訪者編』エンディングテーマに新曲「名もない花」が抜擢され、12月2日にDebut Singleとしてリリースした。



Miki Sato Profile Miki Sato has been surrounded by music since her childhood. She often sang at friends' birthday parties and by receiving praise from people around, she realized the joy of singing and became even more absorbed in music.

She became interested in foreign countries and studied abroad in Australia alone when she was in elementary school.
Everything was fresh to her and the experience deeply influenced her later life.

In high school, Miki entered the English Department and went to Australia again.
Meanwhile, she became fascinated with foreign singers such as Ariana Grande and Avril Lavigne and Taylor Swift.

She formed a band with her friends and was the vocal and the bassist.
As the band performed well and won gold prize at the local music competition, Miki’s fascinating “silky voice” became noticeable to music industry insiders.

At university, she balanced between academics and music activities, putting great efforts into music by taking lessons, self-training, and studying lyrics. She was also dispatched to China as a member of the Japan-China Friendship Student Visiting Group.

In 2020, Miki finally started her music career under SACRA MUSIC, a record label of Sony Music.

Before debut, the lyric video of her first original song “Play the Real” was published on her YouTube channel in July and her pre-debut song “A KA SA TA NA” was released digitally in August.

Miki Sato’s debut single “Namonai Hana” is scheduled to be released on 2nd December and it is the ED theme song of anime “The Irregular at Magic High School: Visitor Arc” starting in October.
In 2021, decided to be the ending artist of the TV anime "Otherside Picnic" which will start broadcasting in January.

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